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Maoli Farms: Building a Native Hawaiian Forest at Whitmore Village

On August 1, 2022, Maoli Farms, in partnership with Ohana Hui Ventures & Ke Alaula Farms we received the green light and the honor to commence our project: Building a Native Hawaiian Forest at Whitmore Estates. This location, once known as the "Pineapple Hub," bore witness to extensive use during the plantation era, leading to the destruction of our native forests to make room for sugar cane and pineapple farming. This displacement adversely affected the kanaka maoli community, native wildlife, and Hawaii's delicate ecosystems. Building a Native Forest marks our first step towards healing and restoring the land.
Prior to the plantation era giant canopy trees thrived in this area such as Koa, Ohia Lehua, and Iliahi, so it was a no brainer that these be at the top of the list! We also have trees such as Olopua, Wiliwili, Nau and Mamaki being propagated for the project. By practicing Regenerative Agriculture, Permaculture and ike Hawaii(Ancient Knowledge) we have the trifecta model of 21st Century farming capabilities.
It is our vision that this wahipana is revitalized to its former glory, and provide a place of reflection and connection for the community. We are creating a space that halau, na kula, & kumu to come and practice their mele, wehe and noho malie, and we can't wait to share it with all of you ~
E ola!
- Allan & Tristin Manuel, Maoli Farms
Special Mahalo to all our Supporters!
Ohana Hui Ventures Department of Land and Natural Resources Grant & Adah Enos Scotty Reis-Moniz
Ke Alaula Group Department of Forestry and Wildlife Bel & Lolita Manuel Anthony Ching
Friends of Waimanalo Kaulunani Anitra's Landscaping Braddah Moke's
PASHA HAWAII Alberta Kamalamalama Davey Tree Surgery Keala Pono Farms
Holoholo Tree Service Serenitree Trimming Martin & Arlene Guzman Anahu Ohana Farms
Ario Manuel Lynn Watts A'ali'i Nursery Malama Ai Pono
Hoinana A Me Hoola Mana Mahiai Ohana Greenhouse Gardens TheFarm808 Hoonui LLC
NativeFocus808 Kaulula'au Inc. Aunty Kats Kamalamalama
Prior to the plantation era giant canopy trees thrived in this area such as Koa, Ohia Lehua, and Iliahi, so it was a no brainer that these be at the top of the list! We also have trees such as Olopua, Wiliwili, Nau and Mamaki being propagated for the project. By practicing Regenerative Agriculture, Permaculture and ike Hawaii(Ancient Knowledge) we have the trifecta model of 21st Century farming capabilities.
It is our vision that this wahipana is revitalized to its former glory, and provide a place of reflection and connection for the community. We are creating a space that halau, na kula, & kumu to come and practice their mele, wehe and noho malie, and we can't wait to share it with all of you ~
E ola!
- Allan & Tristin Manuel, Maoli Farms
Special Mahalo to all our Supporters!
Ohana Hui Ventures Department of Land and Natural Resources Grant & Adah Enos Scotty Reis-Moniz
Ke Alaula Group Department of Forestry and Wildlife Bel & Lolita Manuel Anthony Ching
Friends of Waimanalo Kaulunani Anitra's Landscaping Braddah Moke's
PASHA HAWAII Alberta Kamalamalama Davey Tree Surgery Keala Pono Farms
Holoholo Tree Service Serenitree Trimming Martin & Arlene Guzman Anahu Ohana Farms
Ario Manuel Lynn Watts A'ali'i Nursery Malama Ai Pono
Hoinana A Me Hoola Mana Mahiai Ohana Greenhouse Gardens TheFarm808 Hoonui LLC
NativeFocus808 Kaulula'au Inc. Aunty Kats Kamalamalama